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In accordance with the provisions of the Law of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, and the Law n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004, for confidence in the digital economy, known as LCEN, I bring to the attention of the users of the site the following information and conditions of use. It reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to modify them in whole or in part.

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The editor of the present site is Laurent Courtin, a micro-company whose business registration number is 1175 62137 75 (Siret: 510 709 025 00058 - APE (NAF) code: 8559A). Its representative is Mr Laurent Courtin. Its head office is located at 12 bis rue Baudelaire, 75012 Paris, France.

(Tel : 06 61 14 40 26 / e-mail : )

Intellectual property : Laurent Courtin makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and updating of the information on its site, and reserves the right to correct the content at any time and without notice. However, Laurent Courtin cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or exhaustiveness of the information made available to Internet users on this site. The intellectual property rights on the documents, brands and other elements contained in this site or created for its use are, unless otherwise stated, the property of Laurent Courtin or have been delegated to him. The reproduction of any documents published on the site is authorised solely for the purposes of information for personal and private use; any reproduction and any use of the content for other purposes is expressly prohibited.

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Protection of personal information : in application of the aforementioned legal provisions, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any information concerning you, which you may exercise by contacting Laurent Courtin.

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